I was flipping through the channels the other day and came across Teen Cribs on MTV. This show highlights various palatial estates of very fortunate teenagers. Ironically, on the day I tuned in, the show featured the palatial mansion of Lee Najjar, alleged boyfriend of Real Housewives of Atlanta Zim Zolciak. His younger children, Jamen, a sophomore in high school and Katelin, a freshman in college, were the tour guides. All I can say is that this home is over the top! Both children are very well mannered and attractive. Katelin was a contestant in the the Miss Georgia Teen Pageant and received the Miss Congeniality Prize....watch out Sandra Bullock. She attends college in LA but flies home every weekend because it is so much fun! Jamen says that he is a music producer and has a recording studio in the home to make his music. Thus the connection to the Dallas Austin crowd.
According to http://www.homesoftherich.net,/ the 16,000 + square feet home is located on W Paces Ferry Road NW in Atlanta, GA and has a massive foyer with grand sweeping staircase (Katelin says she will walk down these steps the day she gets married), a huge ballroom, a gourmet kitchen with adjoining breakfast room, numerous bedrooms suites, a recording studio, an amazing home theater with a wrought iron door, a swimming pool, a tanning bed room, a game room with ping pong table, a gentleman's club with special filtration for smoke, a beauty and nail salon, a massage room, a moroccan room complete with a hooka pipe, a massive pool House, a basketball court, and an outdoor hibachi grill. The family cars include several Rolls Royce, Mercedes and Range Rover.
The show also cameos "Lee" ( no last name), the father who is in "real estate" and the mother, "Kim", who is very attractive and wearing massive jewelry. She is shown in the kitchen cooking, eventhough the family has a personal chef. Kim and Lee's bed features his and hers televisions under the canopy. And as Katelin says, noone can sit in Big Poppa's chair if he is at home.
Take a peek.....do you think that Kim Zolciak will become the next woman of the house?
Take a peek.....do you think that Kim Zolciak will become the next woman of the house?
After watching this episode, whatever doubts I had about Lee being Kim's Big Poppa have completely disappeared. Also, Dallas Austin actually makes an appearance on the show further confirming my new belief.
I also watched it and was amazed by all the "coincidences." Kind of sad though, because they seemed like a very nice and happy family. And although they are obviously very spoiled and wealthy, they all seemed somewhat humble and very down to earth.
Humble? If they WERE humble they wouldn't talk about being humble!
That's the same as saying how modest you are.
As for being happy, I don't think so. He isn't happy enough to be faithful, she isn't happy with his adultery, and the kids ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of their obviously selfish father that can't keep his pants zipped up.
They might look happy on the outside, but that's a cover for the public they are trying to impress. As the former housekeeper to a billionaire, I can tell you that money doesn't equate to happiness.
Now since they are supposed to be getting married.... I guess he will have to sell. I hope his current wife takes him for every last red cent and leave him and Kim eating potty meat out of the cans while sipping Cisco through a straw, RoFlMo.
So sad how he did his family... but hey only they know the true inside scoop.
If this really is Big Poppa then he is an even bigger idiot than Kim. Why would throw away such a beautiful family for some white trash bimbo who obviously has no heart. She has kids of her OWN and she has no problem breaking up another family knowing the emotional harm it could cause them! It makes me sick... but then again I guess if you don't even care about your own kids enough to teach them right from wrong then it doesn't really matter. Its disgusting the example that shes setting for those poor little girls! Also does Lee's wife not watch The Real Housewives of ATL and really have no idea whats going on? I find that hard to believe too....she she take his scummy ass through the wringer and take him for everthing he's worth... then we'll see if Kim still wants to be with him... my guess is NO!!! Then Lee will get what he deserves... he'll be alone and without the only people that probably ever truly cared for him.... his FAMILY!
Clearly Lee is Big Poppa. Everything just adds up and what the Hell and then there was Dallas Austin come on now, because who is Kim and what do she do... nothing.
Haters haters haters....it is soooo 2009 almost 2010...people change and the world has changed....stop hating on Kim...If you are in a unhappy relationship, what the hell are you suppose to do, stay in it and be sad untill the day tou die??? Please!!! Big Pappas wife p.robably have a new Pappa anyway....Im on the hunt for my own "Big Pappa"...lol...lol..lol and wink..wink. call me Big Pappa!!!lol
I think that what "Big Poppa" is doing is really low. If you want to marry another woman, get rid of your present wife first! He obviously is still in love with first wife and needs to come clean with that.
In my opinion, Kim Zolciak, has always been a simple-minded chic! "Love of her Life"... my ass! What she really means is "Money of her Life!". It is what it is...why is it so damn difficult to keep it real? Of course things are good when you don't have to deal with a person on a regular basis and basically fuck him and get his money. Kim always talks on the show about how honest she is and wouldn't hurt other people and actually called one of the other housewives a homewrecker, marriage destroyer...are YOU serious! She'll never truly be happy, not in that situation. She will be happy with the wigs, the Dolce & Gabbana, Prada and Chanel... so superficial. If Big Poppa gets sick, Kim Zolciak is NOT going to be there to wipe his nose or his ass!! Stupid on both ends!
This I know for certain, I he cheats with you, he will cheat ON you! Kim will get what comes back around. I feel for her girls to see what she does and how she lies they are learning every bit of that.
If Kim is a RN, then I am NeNe's long lost baby sister.
I doubt she can spell Registered Nurse. I'm tired of her telling people she's a nurse...she's a liar and a BIG ONE!
Why does anyone care what Kim and big poppa do in their spare time? Most women know if their husbands are cheating on them and I am sure Lee's wife is no exception. If she is still with him then she obviously has no problem with the relationship or at least she doesn't care enough to pack her bags. What they are doing is wrong BUT calling her a home wrecker and a whore is not going to stop her from sleeping with him. Move on folks...
I am convinced that this is Kim's "Big Poppa" after watching the clip. However, I think Lee is the typical man that is able to have his cake and eat it too. I am sure his wife knows everything about Kim and has known for some time now. But just like Kim of HWOA she isnt going anywhere for all of the obvious reasons.
I don't think it is right for him to step outside of his marriage for any reason but just like so many other men across the world (broke and paid) they always find a "Kim" to play with.
Lee is obviously able to satisfy all of his insatiable pleasures whether it entails buying toys or women and unfortunately having the means of doing so will never be enough for him.
I am certain wife "Kim" realized this long ago and as so many other women that are in this situation (especially with men that are extremely wealthy)and she has decided to stick with him for good or bad. Besides, why in the hell would she let Kim be able to reap the benefits that she is reaping. Kim is in a 3000 square foot townhome which can be placed into Big Poppa's home several times along with all of her neighbors and will never be able to step foot into his mansion.
He will never have the love or respect for Kim that he has with his wife and Kim will always be a sex toy to him. I only hope she has enough brains to take advantage of his many benefits while the ride lasts because there is always another young, beautiful Kim coming soon and I am sure he will jump on that train and Kim will be a faint memory of the past.
A Grown Ass Woman
I can tell you lee is big papa. My boyfriend wen to high school with his daughter and was good friends with her and tell talks to her all the time. i happened to be watch atl housewifes while i was visiting him and he told me oh thats my friends dads girlfriend. he doesn't watch the show, or any shows like that (he watches DEA and plays call of duty all day...). and i already knew he was friends with her.. so i'm pretty damn convinced he's big papa. he also said lee and his wife have been getting a divorce for a few years.
I can tell you lee is big papa. My boyfriend wen to high school with his daughter and was good friends with her and tell talks to her all the time. i happened to be watch atl housewifes while i was visiting him and he told me oh thats my friends dads girlfriend. he doesn't watch the show, or any shows like that (he watches DEA and plays call of duty all day...). and i already knew he was friends with her.. so i'm pretty damn convinced he's big papa. he also said lee and his wife have been getting a divorce for a few years.
Maybe Big Poppa and his wife have an arrangement. He does what he wants and so does she. This is just they way some people choose to live. It's easier and cheaper than a nasty Divorce. So to all you Haters think twice before you speak.
Maybe Big Poppa and his wife have an arrangement. He does what he wants and so does she. This is just they way some people choose to live. It's easier and cheaper than a nasty Divorce. So to all you Haters think twice before you speak.
Maybe Big Poppa and his wife have an arrangement. He does what he wants and so does she. This is just they way some people choose to live. It's easier and cheaper than a nasty Divorce. So to all you Haters think twice before you speak.
Wow I live in Atlanta also and recorded it to show my parents. I never that that it could be big poppas house.
his house is one the market for $25 million! what a place
Alright, Obviously.. Lee najjar is a smart man.. take a look at his past.. he was nothing 20 years ago.. and now what is he? a multi millionaire humble man with a huge house who holds an awesome family, the big poppa thing is all fake.. it's just a show it wont lead to anything.. lee najjar loves his wife and i know his kids.. i'm always hanging out with them.. they all love their father so much.. and they assure everyone that the big poppa thing is all fake.. at least i know they wouldn't lie to me about this :)
I'm pretty sure, a guy that smart wouldn't leave his whole life for some white chick.. his family loves him.. and he is living a wonderful life.. so people stop trying to ruin that for him, mind your own business :)
I saw that the place is up for sale at a cool $25 million according to a real estate friend of mine the place isn't worth that much which is what they've said about alot of homes in that area of Atlanta. I wouldn't be surprised if Lee and Mrs. N are getting a divorce but it just doesn't make sense to be in the divorce process for years ok why continue with the house construction? I've heard about many people saying Lee hasn't paid them or he owes them money with the way the economy is and with the housing market the way it is I wouldn't be surprised if it came back to bite him.
Apparently Dallas Austin is wanting to distance himself from Kim Z. He's even posted on his myspace that he's not working with her and he posted it in all caps.
I agree if you were humble you wouldn't have to mention that nor would you think about it either nobody humble lives in a house like that.
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