Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fashion Faux Pas....Cougar's "Donts"

There are certain things I cannot tolerate when it comes to fashion. Here goes:

  • Crocs....I hear that they are comfortable. Whatever! They are ugly as hell and I bet that molded plastic makes your feet stink! Uggghhh...and the little charms. I am gagging.

  • VPLs--or for those of you who don't know...Visible Panty Lines! No reason for this in the age of the thong(which changed my life) or even Spanx....if you want to kick your junk in. Nothing worse than seeing that panty line, especially in spandex.

  • White shoes. Even worse with panty hose.

  • Panty hose and open toe shoes or with sling backs. I tossed all my panty hose years ago. Bare legs, ladies! And if you have Casper legs, use some spray on tan.

  • Laura Ashley long dresses

  • Mom jeans........I am not in my 20's but you will never ever see me in those jeans you see women wearing at the mall with their turtlenecks and crocs.

  • Silk screen clothing of any kind

  • Jogging suits if you are not working out. Especially tacky to wear traveling. If you want an upgrade to first class, dress the part.

  • Muffin top jeans. Get a pair which fits properly.

Nothing else comes to mind right now....I will be back with Part 2


Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting that!!

Mom jean violators should be burned at the stake!!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting that!!

Mom jean violators should be burned at the stake!!!

Sleaze Patrol Captain said...

Mom jeans scare me to death. If I ever went out of the house like that, I would instruct CIT to shoot me.

Pan/Thanatos said...

There's a reason crocs originated as uniform parts for nurses and surgeons.
What's next... people walking around in blue or green, open-assed robes?

Atlanta Cougar said...

It amazes me how many people wear scrubs who arent in the medical field. I guess I will list that as a fashion faux pas on part 2.