"This has gots to be the saddest thing in the world. MediaTakeOut.com has learned that Sheree Whitfiled of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta is officially BROKE. How broke is she, you ask?? Well according to a document obtained by MediaTakeOut.com - she has NO ASSETS!!!The document, which was signed by Sheree Whitfield UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY states that Sheree has an income of ZERO dollars, and that she DOES NOT own a home, and that she LEASES her Land Rover.And there’s more. You see a couple of weeks back, Sheree was busted for speeding (a misdemeanor in Georgia). After being processed - she asked the government to pay for her lawyer – because, according to Sheree - she’s too poor to afford one.Ain’t that some mess – and DUH-RAMA!!!!! Oh and BTW, the Real Housewives began taping on Monday. Hopefully this public assistance drama makes it onto the show. Hey Bravo producers … don’t forget to mention MediaTakeOut.com … WINK WINK …And for all you folks that think that she’s NOT broke – you may be right. But as MediaTakeOut.com stated above, the document that she signed and handed into the court was signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. That means that if she ain’t DEAD BROKE, she could be prosecuted for PERJURY - a FELONY punishable by up to 10 YEARS IN PRISON." This document can be viewed on http://www.mediatakeout.com/.
If she really is a broke ass, she should sell off her designer crap & get a much cheaper vehicle.
Cause that's what ya do if you're really in need of money. Cry me a river!
We know she's receiving $$ from her baby daddy, but I wonder if he gave her one lump sum and she blew it on her "fashion" line?
What?!? I thought people were intimated by her success? Oh, I can't wait till season 2 to hear the status of the "She by Sheree" line and find out what on earth is going on.
I wonder if Bravo has income requirements to be considered "Atlanta's elite" for their show?
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