"Last week MediaTakeOut.com told you that Kim Zolciak from Bravo's hit serioes Real Housewives Of Atlanta had split from her fiance/benefactor whose code name was "Big Poppa." Well she's back on her grind.MediaTakeOut.com caught up with Kim on a date with her new man - billionaire Dr. Stefan Lemperle. The two have been reportedly dating for a few weeks now and they've been spotted acting lovey dovey all around the ATL.Don't hate the playa ladies .... hate the game ..."
The following is a link to Stefan Lemperle's profile on Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/3/780/449. In his profile, he states that he is CEO of Artes Medical. www.artesmedical.com On the company website, it does not indicate that Stefan Lemperle is the CEO. I do not see his name mentioned on the company website or in the attached annual report. More to follow............
I looked up Artes Medical on the Division of Corporations in the State of GA and Stefan Lemperle is not listed as the CEO, nor the CFO, or as an officer of the company.
It appears that the corporate headquarters for Artes is in San Diego and there is no mention of Stefan Lemperle as the CEO, founder or any other position.
well Bill Gates isn't CEO of Microsoft...
Anonymous: Very funny!
Stefan was removed from his post as CEO of Artes back in Dec '06. Google it.
Thanks for the scoop! I will google it!
Anonymous-Maybe Stefan can help Kimmie with some of her health issues ;). Also I can see that someone from Arte has been checking out the blog! Ha!
Anonymous- Thanks for the tip! Please see my latest post with an excerpt from the SEC Filing by Artes in 2006. I wonder if he retained his license to practice medicine. I will have to check it out.
Dr. Stefan Lemperle has an incredible girlfriend in La Jolla, which Kim couldn't hold a candle to. Rumor has it they have had an on and off relationship due to Stefans "womanizing" but it is obvious he is very much in love with her. Her initials are NT and she is a beautiful little redhead that every man in La Jolla is after! Including me!! Hopefully he wont be able to control his manly urges!! LL from La Jolla
"LL" is partially correct but as the Cougar Gossip Queen of La Jolla, I do know that Nicole "NT", is a very well respect "non-cougar" woman and she wouldn't be caught dead with the "Womanizing, Stripper Loving, Porno Addict" like Stefan Lemperle! Although I do have to admit I even had my cougar claws in him at one time and.... Not much to write home about, but what's a good Cougar girl like me to do. At best "Ms. Goody Goody Nicole" as she's known around town, would be very polite and deliver him on a silver platter to Kim Z! To me I think White Trash Kim and Stefan make a perfect Big Mama and PaPa couple, hopefully they wont make any little wana be country singers!
It is quite possible that his position has changed-that role was taken on by him back in 2005.
Stefan Lemperle is not a doctor in america and cannot practice ....and he was fired from Artes many many years ago because he was using and selling the product before it was approved and investors lost million because of this scoundral ! Buyers beware goes for you too ladies....he is lucky he didn't go to jail yet ?...who knows they still may be watching you ..Stefan... you know who I'm talking about.......
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